My good friend Eric Meltzer is Kickstarting a go bag – I just pledged, and if you don’t have a pack you can grab in an emergency, you should too. I’ve seen a lot of these things, and what sets this one apart is the experts who consulted on its design and inventory. Check it out!

New cover for my book by Evan Geltosky. I love it so much.

“We lived cheap, but the city was full of fear. A kid was shot to death down the street … We were robbed twice, had windows shot out and a car stolen. The house was first broken into only three days after we moved in … The feeling was so close to extreme danger, and the fear was so intense. There was violence and hate and filth. But the biggest influence in my whole life was that city.”
Halloween 2013 (AAC w/ chapters, 113mb via MediaFire, click cover to download.) This year I want to note the closing of MSN Headbang, my favorite metal blog and #2 source of intelligence for sourcing these tapes after ILM’s yearly Rolling Metal threads. Horns up for Adrien!